Friday, November 25, 2011

Herman & Dinah

Herman & Dinah’s wedding was probably one of the most enjoyable weddings I have EVER photographed or attended. They laughed and enjoyed the day with family and guests from start to finish, as Tulbagh and Olive Rock welcomed this beautiful couple to married life. We wish them many happy years and a marriage full of love. (Please click to see the photo's in full size.)

Bride & groom got dressed @ Arum Lilly Cottage
Church service @ Tulbagh Dutch Reformed Church
Reception @ Olive Rock
Go and watch the video by Mark Chipps @
Second shooter & awsome assistant: Stefni Cruywagen
Forrest photo's taken @ De Heuvel ( Thank you for leaving the gate open for us!


  1. I love, love, loved this wedding. Dinah & Herman are the most special couple!
    Rousseau, your pictures are absolutely gorgeous!

  2. Dinah jy en Herman is 'n stunning couple.Jy het fantasties gelyk en ek voel geeerd vir die klein bydrae wat ek vir julle spesiale dag kon lewer. Baie voorspoed en liefde vir julle twee vir die toekoms wat voorlê.

  3. sjoe ka land! Rosser-neef, jy het jouself oortref! Ek het BAIE fav's, maar die een van die ouens wat hulle hoede gooi wat van onder geneem is is 'n prys-wenner!!!!!

  4. Rad man! Mal oor die quirky action pics!

  5. Baie COOL fotos!!! Dinah en Herman julle is so mooi couple vir my! X
